The Office of the Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer sponsors the University of Michigan’s institutional membership with the NCFDD (formerly the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity). The NCFDD is an independent center that offers a wide range of resources to support the professional development and successful transitions of faculty, post-doctoral scholars, and doctoral students throughout their academic careers. The resources are broadly applicable across academic disciplines and include webinars/workshops on topics such as how to develop a daily writing plan, strategies for increasing research productivity, managing time more effectively, how to write grant proposals, and maintaining work-life balance.
Your FREE U-M Institutional sub-account to the NCFDD gives you access to the following:
How to Activate for Your Free U-M Institutional Sub-Account:
If you have any issues with activating your U-M Institutional Sub-Account, email [email protected].
If you have any questions about U-M’s Institutional Membership, email Julie Kelley at [email protected].