Juneteenth Symposium
Systems Check: Exploring Structural Solutions to Systemic Racism
June 15-16—view the full listing of events at juneteenth.umich.edu

This year's celebratory events include a community prayer breakfast, a black film festival, and the Kidz Zone tent at the Top of the Park. Panel discussions highlight topics such as housing discrimination and voter suppression.
ODEI Grant Application
The Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (ODEI) will be awarding 10 grants of up to $2,500 to U-M student organizations to increase their engagement with campus-wide diversity, equity and inclusion efforts by hosting an event during the month of U-M’s Annual DEI Summit.

Applications due by 11:59pm on May 26.
Save the Date
Annual DEI Summit Community Assembly
Monday, October 9, 10-11:30am
Summer Work Opportunity
Undergraduate and graduate students—apply today to be a Wolverine Pathways Path Leader this summer. Path Leaders will work with WP scholars to facilitate College Readiness workshops, programming with campus partners, and field trips. Candidates can work for as little as 2 weeks and as much as 4 weeks between July 10-August 4 and must be available for training on June 27.

Rolling admissions due by June 1.
Summer Path Leader
Apply to Join ODEI's Student Advisory Planning Group
Students! Are you interested in joining ODEI's Student Advisory Planning Group (SAPG)? SAPG is a great way for students to get “behind the scenes” and learn more about campuswide DEI initiatives, meet new people, and be involved in ODEI-led marketing, communications, and programming efforts.

There are no requirements to join SAPG. Interested students should email their BRIEF responses to the questions below to [email protected]:
  • Reflecting on the 2022 DEI Summit and website, what worked well and what would you suggest for improvement? (suggestion: 200 words)
  • What skills, values, experiences, and/or perspectives would you bring to the SAPG? Please provide at least one example or experience to illustrate your response. (suggestion: 200 words)
The Student Advisory Planning Group will meet virtually for 1-1.5 hours per month from June-October. Applications are due by June 9.
The Michigan College Advising Corps (MCAC) celebrated Decision Day on May 1st. These celebrations encourage graduating high school seniors to consider their choices, plan, and decide on what their future will look like beyond graduation.
The Office of Multicultural Academic Initiatives (OAMI) hosted their annual series of cultural graduations during graduation week to express appreciation for the achievements, commonalities, and cultural differences that characterize the experiences of our students. 
Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | 1109 Geddes, Suite 4300, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
